[hypnagogia] i had a POV of someone smoking a cigarette and looking at colorful stuff on their phone. i was thinking that i may be getting an anon POV. i was too tired to ask anon if he was smoking a cigarette right now and went to sleep. [dream 1] i was with my significant other doing really dirty stuff. i'll spare you the positions. i stopped myself as i was about to cum. as i was starting to feel too good and i didn't want to end it before he did. but it didn't matter if i came or not because my dream started shifting to a different one. i think my dreams have somewhat of a safety filter so i can't fully indulge in anything sexual. my dream became a weird one to censor the lewd acts but i don't remember what it was. [dream 2] i was walking through the city. on my way to the train station. when a beautiful woman was walking out of the airport she said: "oh, you're a guy" i could see she was trans but nobody would even notice that she was a guy. at this point i realized that i had accidentally left my apartment in my skirt, leggings and a pink t-shirt. i also realized that i hadn't shaven/waxed my beard so my facial hair was showing. i just looked like a sick freak. i was scared but still determined to walk to the train station. a big group of even prettier transgirls passed me by. on my way in. the train station had a little shopping center inside of it. i was looking for a drug store to buy safety razorz. i didn't have a lot of money on me though and didn't. i walked into the bathroom and looked at myself at the mirror. hideous. the bathrooms were weird. there were lots of double sided mirrors and shared toilet cabins. it wouldn't have been the best place to hide out. [hypnopompic imagery 1] i was waking up a lot and falling asleep. i had a lot of hypnopompic dreams during that time where my mind created pictures of me and my bf. the pictures were comparing our height difference. my bf is only a few cm taller than me but in my mind i sort of exaggerate it every time. even when he's right next to me i always think he's much taller. i think my unconscious mind was overthinking that too. some of the pictures were so exaggerated. i think it made fun of me. [dream 3] i dreamt of fighting a bunch of marvel superheros that didn't have superpowers. like thor who had a spear. it was a poisoned spear. i disarmed him and pricked him with the poison side. but in a turn of event's. it wasn't actually poisoned. it was laced with magnesium. i didn't understand if getting pricked by the spear was a good or bad thing anymore. it was a long and draining fight against thor. he fell like the other marvel villains. i don't recollect my battles with the other marvel fighters but apparently i beat one of them to become mentally disabled.